Monday, April 22, 2013

An Extraordinary Cloud Who Meets a Remarkable Friend

Story Elements for


We will be doing story elements with our Science story, Nimby. 
For this assignment, I would like you to produce a story elements video. You will be using Animoto. 
Before you begin:
1.  Your video needs to have the four main parts of a story. 
      Characters, Setting, Problem and Solution.
2.  You must include pictures to accent your video.  (Make sure you take a look in the Paschal Campus 2nd grade folder to get started!)
3.  Using complete sentences is NOT a requirement for this activity; however, proper punctuation, capitalization and spelling is a MUST!
4.  Save your video on the class Animoto page, as well as in your "x-drive".
5.  As always, have fun creating!


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Now that you've heard the story again, click here to begin ---------> Animoto
Sign in under my name with our Paschal password, then click "create"!